A New Era for Global
Carbon Markets

We finance and enable high-quality Carbon projects for a Net Zero Planet

About Planet2050

Planet2050 is a climate tech company building the digital infrastructure for the new generation of global Carbon Markets, Project Developers and Climate Communities.

We enable transparent, verifiable and accountable environmental assets such as Carbon Credits to be issued and exchanged. Net Zero companies can work with Planet2050 to originate emission reductions and sustainable benefits in their supply chains or beyond.

We are working with global organizations and governments to identify the most impactful opportunities, finance and structure projects with our network of partners in key sectors such as agriculture, energy, transport, forestry or waste management.

Why acting now?

Carbon Market Set to Grow 100-Fold

Carbon credits are issued for certified activities that result in the reduction or removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or equivalent greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

These verified certificates can be traded in global voluntary or compliance markets, and retired by companies or individuals to contribute or compensate for their emissions.

  • In regulated markets, increasing carbon prices are creating real incentives for companies to invest in decarbonizations and carbon credits today. 

  • In the voluntary market - expected to grow up to $250 billion by 2030 (Barclays) - there is a clear shortage of high-quality carbon credits to meet the current and future stream needed for international buyers.

  • In parallel, new Environmental Asset Markets are emerging around Biodiversity, Plastic or Water Credits in order to create financial rewards for those protecting our Planet beyond carbon.

Real Projects tackling Challenges of our Planet

Switchgear SF6

Switchgear SF6

SF6 gases, with a Greenhouse Warming Potential 25,000 times greater than CO2, remains prevalent in critical high-voltage equipment across electrical grids. Yet, the landscape lacks sufficient innovation and targeted solutions to help mitigate risks of SF6 leakages.

Planet2050 is leading a global initiative to target SF6 emissions avoidance through digital software innovation and the structuration of carbon projects in high-voltage equipment. We are creating new standards for SF6 avoidance credits attractive for both carbon investors and large electricity consumers. 

Scaling Biochar

Scaling Biochar

Biochar is a highly porous form of charcoal produced from organic biomass waste and residues through a process called pyrolysis. Biochar has seen remarkable growth over the past 2 years and reached $600 million in 2023. 

It is a perfect technology to face issues related to agricultural waste in Thailand. Take the example of coconut residues - 5 millions tonnes per year in the country, which are mainly ending up in open landfills. 

Planet2050 is teaming up with a local community and project developer in Thailand to scale local Biochar and its application as organic fertilizer in diverse farms, from food crops to sugarcane plantations or natural rubber farms.

Blue Carbon

Blue Carbon

Blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes, can sequester and store up to 10 times more carbon per hectare than terrestrial forests, making them crucial to the global climate fight.

Financial incentives exist for the conservation and restoration of these critical ecosystems through carbon credits and international funding mechanisms. 

Planet2050 is currently preparing a government-supported program focusing on ocean-based climate action in the Western Pacific Ocean. The Program will be structured around a flagship Mangrove restoration project equipped with advanced baseline and monitoring digital technologies. Subsequent projects in ocean biodiversity preservation but also targeting local communities will be developed.

Coffee Insetting

Coffee Insetting

Planet2050 is launching a unique Regenerative Coffee Insetting Program focusing on the creation of a digital infrastructure connecting carbon and biodiversity projects on farms with sustainably-driven stakeholders in the coffee and cocoa value chains.

Building the Future Carbon Markets with Digital Trust

The Future of Carbon Markets will be built on Reliable, digitally Interconnected Systems.

Distributed Ledgers such as Blockchain offer great infrastructure solutions to ensure high transparency and traceability capabilities within supply chains and along the whole trading cycles of carbon credits, thereby avoiding any risk of double-counting.

Our in-house experts have explored the potential of blockchain technology for sustainability since 2016 and deployed numerous applications which can serve project developers, certification partners and government to develop Efficient, Trusted and Digitally Connected Environmental Markets.

Take action today

For Enterprises

Explore Value Chain mitigation pathways, co-develop climate projects and benefit from early offtake opportunities, or make your contribution today by purchasing Voluntary Carbon Credits

For Project developers & partners

Willing to take your project off the ground and connect to international markets? Our experts help you with technologies and services related to project finance, documentation and certification as well as traceability, verification and monetization.